Daily Compliance Item 1/16/14- 13.14.3- Recruting or Scouting Service

Several coaching staffs at Ocean State University are interested in getting subscriptions to a fairly new scouting service.  All subscribers will receive a standard package of information at an established rate.  Additionally, the organization will offer other information to a select group of coaches through an automated phone line.

Is it permissible for Ocean State University to subscribe to this scouting service?

No.  NCAA Official Interpretation- 1/15/14-  Subscription to Recruiting or Scouting Services that Provide Information Beyond Standardized Information Provided to All Subscribers (I) – states that  an institution is not permitted to subscribe to a recruiting or scouting service that provides information in any form (e.g., oral reports, electronic messages, etc.) about prospective student-athletes beyond the standardized, consistent information that is provided to all subscribers of the service.

[References: NCAA Division I Bylaws 13.14.3 (recruiting or scouting services), 14.13.1 (basketball and football), (video-only services), (sports other than basketball and football) and (subscription limited to approved services – basketball and football); and official interpretations (9/20/13, Item No. 1 and 12/5/13, Item No. 2), which have been archived]

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